Date: September 15, 2023
Location: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, i11 Room Galati, Romania

Conducted under the auspices of OpenHub and co-financed by the European Union through the OpenInnoHub project, in collaboration with Innooppo SRL, this workshop was a unique opportunity for those present to get acquainted with a revolutionary tool in the field of entrepreneurship: the business simulator. Professor Alexandru Căpățână, an authority in the field, was the main guide of this workshop.
What is actually a business simulator?
Essentially, a business simulator is a digital strategy game. It gives you the opportunity to test and develop your entrepreneurial skills in a virtual environment, reproducing real-world business conditions and challenges. In this context, participants can make strategic decisions and see their consequences, providing a clear understanding of how a real business works.
What benefits does such a workshop offer?
Those who had the privilege of participating in this workshop had the opportunity to:
- Between the skin of an entrepreneur, facing complex decisions and analysing their impact.
- Acquire essential skills for managing a business, from marketing strategies to resource management.
- Understand the real challenges of entrepreneurship and ways to overcome them.
Why take part in such events?
In addition to the practical experience it offers, business simulators help develop and improve entrepreneurial skills in a risk-free environment. It is also an excellent way to network and learn from the best in the field.
If you missed this opportunity, watch the upcoming events carefully. With only 15 seats available for each session, it is essential to secure your seat as early as possible! Entrepreneurship is a journey, and with the right tools, the road can be much smoother.
The project is co-financed by the European Union (EU) from the European Regional Development Fund through the Competitiveness Operational Programme 2014-2020. Project title : Creation of an Open Innovation Hub in the Southeast Region (OpenInnoHub) SMIS code 153386
The content of this material does not necessarily represent the official position of the European Union or the Government of Romania.
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