Date: November 25, 2017 @ 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
Location: Siderurgists Boulevard, nr 9, at the pedestrian crossing at Ultimul Leu Galati, 800364 România

On 25 November, Bloggers Arena Galati successfully held its fourth edition, managing to gather an impressive number of about 50 enthusiasts of the online world. The event opened with an interactive discussion session, providing a platform for experienced bloggers and those thinking of starting their own blog. This space for dialogue allowed the exchange of ideas, tips and experiences, creating an atmosphere conducive to networking and encouraging those new to the field.
This fruitful exchange of ideas took place on the ground floor of Thecon‘s headquarters. In parallel, upstairs, participants had already signed up for the gaming competitions: Fifa 18 2vs2 on PS4, CS:GO on 10 action-ready devices, Gran Turismo on PS4 – a recent addition to the event, Dance Central 3 on Xbox Kinekt – the game that generated the most excitement, and of course the popular board game, Catan, for which a special area was set up.
Bloggers Arena Galati is not just a simple event, but a real opportunity for those eager to integrate and actively contribute to the online community in Galati. By participating, you will not only discover a vibrant and growing community, but also have the opportunity to promote your business within this dynamic network, taking advantage of the visibility offered by blogs and social media platforms.